
In January 2015, Governor Markell designated the downtown areas of Seaford, Dover, and Wilmington as Delaware’s first three Downtown Development Districts. To incentivize development, applicants receiving DDD grants are eligible for up to 20 percent of their construction costs in the form of a rebate. Grants are awarded only when projects are complete.
Property owners in the designated Downtown Development District areas are eligible for a variety of incentives from the State of Delaware, Kent County, and the City of Dover. The most valuable of these incentives is a rebate of 20% of the construction costs from the State of Delaware for qualifying construction projects over $25,000. The Kent County Levy Court will match up to $10,000 for each awarded DDD grant, and the City offers a variety of complimenting incentives relating to permit fees, impact fees, utilities, and more. Local Incentives are offered by the Downtown Dover Partnership.
- Delaware State Housing Authority Downtown Development District Rebate Program
- Kent County Levy Court Downtown Development District Match Program
- City of Dover Downtown Development District Overview
- City of Dover Downtown Development District Application
- City of Dover Historic Tax Credit Application
- Downtown Dover Partnership Facade Grant Overview
- Downtown Dover Partnership Facade Grant Application
- Façade Improvement and Architectural Grant Funds have been depleted for FY 24, therefore grant applications are not being taken at this time. While DDP cannot promise that new funding will be available on July 1, 2024, you may check in after July 1, 2024 by emailing to find out if new funds are available.
- Downtown Dover Partnership Architectural Grant Overview
- Downtown Dover Partnership Architectural Grant Application
- Downtown Dover Partnership Retention/Expansion Assistance Program (REAP)
- NEW Critical Improvements Grant Program